With spring break coming to an end, I can no longer spend most of the day playing in the garden. Here's what I've been up to... Last week in the garden cool weather weeds were thriving and spring bulbs were in bloom.

When the daffodils, grape hyacinths, and iris are done flowering, I'll dig them out and move them so we can expand the vegetable beds without destroying the plants.

I almost missed the pleasant surprises growing among the vetch and henbit. Can you spot the red-leaf lettuce poking up through the weeds? These plants grew from seed sown in fall '09. I salvaged a number of plants for transplant - and some wild green onions for cooking.

I also spent some time gathering dandelion leaves, because I remember how my mother used to make delicious cooked greens from this spring weed. However, the result was a bit of a disaster. No amount of bacon grease, salt, garlic or pepper could mask the acrid taste! Mom, how did you do it?
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