In my world, Spring begins twice: on the vernal equinox and again when school is out for the summer. Both are wondrous beginnings, points at which I revel in what will become. In this post I'm just recording some images of the garden as of the beginning of June, and the list of plants for 2010.
In my world, Spring begins twice: on the vernal equinox and again when school is out for the summer. Both are wondrous beginnings, points at which I revel in what will become. In this post I'm just recording some images of the garden as of the beginning of June.
Lower tier: basil, peppers, eggplant and tomatoes:
Basil: Genovese (50), Lettuce Leaf (50)
Peppers: Tequila Sunrise (8), Chocolate Bell (16), Mole (10), Emerald Giant (18), Yellow Monster (10), jalepeno (10), chili (2), habanero (2)
Eggplant: Snowy (12), Listada de Gandia (6), Louisiana Long Green (2)
Tomatoes: Rutgers (13), Early Girl (13), Tennessee Green (13), Yellow Pear (7), Roma (9), Cherokee Purple (12), Yellow (6), Nebraska Wedding (6), Volunteer Cherry (2), Sweet 100 (2)
Zinnia: many (Purple, Lavender, White, Multi)
Zucchini: Costata Romanesca (4 hills)
Squash: Yellow Crookneck (4 hills), White Scallop (4 hills)
Melon: Ali Baba (12 hills), Emerald Gem (9 hills), Old Time TN (6 hills), Green Machine (6 hills)
Bush Beans: Blue Lake (two 6' rows)
Cucumbers: Snow's (8 hills), National (8 hills), Armenian (4 hills)
Okra: Dwarf Green (30), Clemson Spineless (30), Burgundy (30)
Peas: Oregon Sugar Pod (20' row), Sugar Ann (two 6' rows)
Onion: sets, two 6' rows
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