It's the 3rd of July, and the first fruits were picked this morning. The yield: one cucumber, two yellow squash, a hot pepper, and just enough okra for Ann to grill for her family. There is about to be a lot of okra, judging from how strong the plants look!
The cucumber, squash, tomato, banana pepper, hot pepper, and cantaloupe plants have a few small fruits. A few of the surviving eggplants and all of the tomatoes are flowering. The healthy patch of watermelons is growing strong with lots of little yellow flowers.
The row of beans is flowering, but since they were planted late, we doubt whether they will produce much. The sweet peppers are having mixed results; some plants are looking strong and others do not seem to be thriving. A few basil and lettuce plants are doing well under the shade of the tomato patch. As of next week, we will be picking on Tuesdays and Fridays.